Watching the Worldwide Developers Conference I couldn't help but feel annoyed, not by the constant standing ovations from Apple's infatuated fanatic-base, but the fact that the giant corporation really had nothing 'revolutionary' to show us. In fact many of the new features of iOS 5 are blatant copies of features that already exist in Android and in the 'jailbreak app-store', Cydia.
After Amazon and Google had rolled out their cloud services months ago it was inevitable that Apple would join the market, WWDC saw Apple's take on cloud service, the ingeniously titled, iCloud. This didn't really bother me, considering Apple fanatics have already admitted that Apple 'makes existing ideas better,' so I dismissed it, until they started to announce the new features of iOS 5. Notification centre - a clear rip off of the android blind angered me, as the thousand person audience clapped with excitement.
After Amazon and Google had rolled out their cloud services months ago it was inevitable that Apple would join the market, WWDC saw Apple's take on cloud service, the ingeniously titled, iCloud. This didn't really bother me, considering Apple fanatics have already admitted that Apple 'makes existing ideas better,' so I dismissed it, until they started to announce the new features of iOS 5. Notification centre - a clear rip off of the android blind angered me, as the thousand person audience clapped with excitement.
Don't think that this came from Apple, the idea and even name of the app was stolen from software developer, Greg Hughes. The Apple fan was in the news a few weeks ago, after Apple kept denying his WifiSync app in the app store for months, clearly the
iMessage a way i0s5 users can send other people text, photos and videos over wifi. This is apple's version of Blackberry messenger, this is probably the only feature in i0S 5 I could see myself using.
Reminders: "A better way to do to-dos."
When I firstly found about this I was really disappointed in Apple. As their are very similar apps to this in the app store. I feel sorry for the developers who have similar apps on the App store, at least the remaining i0S devices not receiving the update have an alternative.
Lock Screen: Camera Shortcut
Application short-cut on the lock screen this being the camera. Now the new HTC sensation had been reased before the keynote and that includes application short cuts on the lock screen as well. I'm not really sure I should include this, as it's not really copying.
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